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Tobacco Control Law
Tobacco Control Fund
Framework Convention
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Strict enforcement on Tobacco Control Law from May 1, 2013
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Case Study SMF
Case Study TC Law
Cấu phần
Biểu đồ
M.ME.1 - Prevalence of current smokers
M.ME.2 - Prevalence of daily smokers
M.ME.3 - Prevalence of occational smokers
M.ME.4 - Prevalence of former smokers
M.ME.5 - Prevalence of Never smokers
M.ME.6 - Average number of the most consumed smoking tobacco product used per day among daily smokers
M.ME.8 - Prevalence of daily smokeless tobacco users
M.ME.9 - Prevalence of occational smokeless tobacco users
M.ME.10 - Prevalence of former smokeless tobacco users
M.ME.11 - Prevalence of never users of smokeless tobacco
M.ME.12 - Prevalence of current youth Smokers (aged 13-15)
M.ME.13 - Prevalence of current youth cigarette smokers
M.ME.14 - Percentage of adult exposed to tobacco smoke at home
M.ME.15 - Percentage of adult exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace
M.ME.16 - Percentage of adult exposed to tobacco smoke in the public places
M.ME.17 - Percent of monitored establishments achieved the smoke free criteria as law regulated
M.ME.18 - Percentage of youth exposed to tobacco smoke at home
M.ME.19 - Percentage of youth exposed to tobacco smoke inside any enclosed public place
M.ME.20 - Estimated total number of deaths attributed to tobacco use
M.ME.21 - Recorded number of hospitalisations related to tobacco use
M.ME.22 - Overall cost of tobacco use imposed on soceity
M.ME.23 - Direct health care related costs of tobacco use
M.ME.24 - Indirect cost of tobacco use
M.ME.25 - Average cigarette expenditure per month
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Vietnam Steering Committee on Smoking and Health (VINACOSH)
Address : 138A Giang Vo - Ba Dinh - Ha Noi
Telephone: 04. 62 732 032 Fax: 04. 62 733 303
Thiết kế web: OnIP™